Join us for a special Shabbat as our youngest Israelites prepare to receive the Torah. With experiential learning through play, children from birth to age 12 will experience what it was like to receive the Torah. The Torah teaches us that B'nei Yisrael experienced synesthesia -- they could see the sounds of God's voice. We, too, will explore this amazing experience.
9:30am Tefilla
11:00am Children's Minyanim and Shavuot programming
Minyan Kattan-Up to age 7
Minyan Gadol- 8 and up
12:00pm Kiddush lunch
12:45pm Shavuot Scavenger Hunt with Maya, UWS Shinshinit
Adult Ed: Israel on the College Campus
Registration is appreciated so we can provide for everyone's needs.
Thank you!