Shaare Zedek and Kehilat Hadar invite the community to a Lunch and Learn with Gila Fine, who will teach on The Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic: The Tale of Yalta the Shrew after Shabbat morning services.
Gila Fine is a teacher of Aggada at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, exploring the tales of the Talmud through philosophy, literary criticism, psychoanalysis, and pop-culture. She is also a faculty member of the London School of Jewish studies, the Nachshon Project, and Amudim Seminary.
The learning will start at approximately 12:15 PM and run for an hour. Everyone is invited and babysitting will be available during this time. After the learning, there will be a catered meat lunch with vegetarian and vegan options. Registration is required for lunch.
Registration closes Monday, June 12. Learn more about this fascinating topic and register here!
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Earlier Event: April 28
Friday Night Davening
Later Event: July 26
Tisha B'Av Services